Wellcome to HeXen - Arcanum

HeXen - Arcanum is website dedicated to Roberto Julio Alamo´s mods & projects about the world of HeXen, created by Raven Software. In this site you have access to the progress of the mod HeXen - Arcanum, to the graphic adventure game HeXen - Quest for the Dark Skull, to the Cronus Series and to many more contents...

lunes, 2 de febrero de 2009

HeXentic Games - HeXen Eternal Darkness

I'm working on a new project with two chilean friends: Koresiarch and Taurustar Drakest. The project is a Mod for HeXen entitled " Eternal Darkness ". Our company is called "HeXentic Games"

Here I put a link to the website HeXentic Games

This video shows the start of the game. I include some screenshots of a level that I am building. Soon we hope to have this new web only for this game.

Screenshots from "The Fortress" by Rolls


HeXen - Arcanum - English © 2008. Chaotic Soul :: Converted by Randomness