HEXEN - ARCANUM Version 1.0
Greetings mortal, Are you afraid to die?

During this past year I have been very busy and have not had time to repair or refresh the page, but the project is ongoing and progress, albeit slow.
Here I include the new version of HeXen - Arcanum. Is a beta in it first part yet, so don´t spect big changes.
DOWNLOAD - Hexen Arcanum v1.0
And for players who were left wanting more, I include the level 26 - Balthas forests. It is a work in progress, is Incomplete, but you can enjoy the atmosphere of the new mod.
Warning: This is a work totally free, for the DooM fans. All the new creatures and maps are based in the HeXen universe and was created by Roberto Julio Alamo.
You can use this material for your works, but you have to use my name in the credits.
Thanks for play to this mod.
Enjoy it.
Roberto Julio Alamo - Rolls3D