Wellcome to HeXen - Arcanum

HeXen - Arcanum is website dedicated to Roberto Julio Alamo´s mods & projects about the world of HeXen, created by Raven Software. In this site you have access to the progress of the mod HeXen - Arcanum, to the graphic adventure game HeXen - Quest for the Dark Skull, to the Cronus Series and to many more contents...

martes, 7 de diciembre de 2010

HeXen - Edge of Chaos - DEMO

Greetings friends.
Then I'll include the link of a great Mod for Doom 3, based on the world HeXen directed by the teamleader Bloodrayne, and that I just begining to collaborate:

To play this mod you need, obviously, Doom3 (runs with the IDTech 4 engine), but you must download latest version - Doom3v1.3 to run.

HeXen - Edge of Chaos - Demo (Linux and Windows compatible)

You can download it from other Mirrors at the Official Website.

"Edge of Chaos is being developed by a team of fans who have always loved the original Hexen since it came out. In fact, most of us spent countless hours with the entire series."

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HeXen - Arcanum - English © 2008. Chaotic Soul :: Converted by Randomness